Explore What BossyPino is Working On

I’m an indie game developer interested in exploring strategy, survival, and horror. You can visit here to check out my current projects, as well as hear my thoughts on games and game development.

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Making a strange little video essay

Link to the video essay here. I’ve released my first video essay on the strange and surreal RPG OFF. What was my process, and what things have I learned to take into the future? I’ll talk about my experience researching, writing, voice recording, and video editing. Why analyze games? Video games have been a constant…


OFF – The Fear of Impurity and the Masque of Red Death

‘I have a sacred mission to fulfill. I must purify the world.’ OFF is a French RPG created in 2007 by Mortis Ghost, with an incredible soundtrack by Alias Conrad Coldwood. It’s been praised for its surreal storytelling, rich environments, and it’s memorable characters. It’s a game I’ve adored ever since discovering it a decade…


Devlog #4: An art director with 0 art skills

As a gamedev who does everything except art, how do I make sure my game ends up not just pretty, but uses the best style to sell the experience?


More indie devs should be making roguelites

Making a case for indies using the Roguelite formula to make better games.


Steal This Idea: Hungry Horde

A real-time strategy game where what you feed your army of mini monsters changes them in strategic ways.


You have never seen something truly alien

Horror games, more than any other genre, restrict information from the player. They’ll leave you contemplating which abandoned hospital room has a healing kit, how close the monster stalking you has gotten, and what the motivations of your shady quest-giver are. Horror games can build tension by omitting key details and context. This omittance will…


Devlog #3: People Make Games

Much of my life was spent in school doing STEM- filling my brain with science, math, and analytics. Long days spent in chemistry labs, long nights practicing physics problems (which were particularly awful). What did it mean when I decided to become a game developer- an artist? Did it mean I should forgo my past…


Devlog #2: Make what you know

How does genre fit into choosing what game to make?


Harnessing Static- working on the Main Menu theme for Cryohazard

My approach to creating a main theme to fit Cryohazard’s bleak and dystopian main menu.

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